Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Black Men Are KRST

Black Men are KRST

Our Black men are living in this time of wholesale murder by the authorities of this society. They are suffering from a living death, as human sacrifices, to perpetuate an Isfit (chaos) world of Imperialism.
 When we see our Black men wearing these "counterfeit Christ" death symbols, that glorify the execution and suffering of a roman caricature construct- Je-w+Zeus, while ignoring the ongoing suffering of all of our own young Black men, and an ever-widening gap filled with poor people. We can see how All of Our Black Men have been rendered unconscious by the anti-KRST who is here in the world, and actually serve as willing slaughtered lambs. They don't see that they are really the Black KRST Heru warriors, because they are blinded by the dysfunctional fictitious character that hides an alien agenda of dead stone, blue-eyed demonic charade, and who masquerades into the psyche of our youth, in most cases by their own family members- mothers, aunts, and fathers who choose to daily drink from the weakened milk of a better world, after they die.  

Many of our people suffer from a severe mental illness, that I call Maafa Syndrome. Maafa Syndrome is the total identification with an abuser, for the hope of favor. Maafa syndrome occurred in many Indigo peoples, long before what is known as Stockholm Syndrome. 

From youth, our Indigo KRSTs have been mentally enslaved to daily maintain this false illusion of the status quote of Isfit (confusion, chaos, mayhem) Maafa (A terrible disaster) and imperialism for more than the past 2000 year world paradigm... Our Black Lives are the Martyrs of prophecy Revelations 6:9-11

KRST stands for *Ka- Immortal Eternal Soul, Life Force *Ra- Sun Creation, Enlightened *Sa- Protector, Bes *Ta- Land, Kingdom.

The alien counterfeit religions of this world have built false institutions to direct our men to be slaughtered in mind body and soul. Our families, while ignorantly supporting these religious institutions, continue to lie to our children using the fantasy perversions of our own native cultural seasonal celebrations- with Santa Claus, Christmas replaces the Winter Solstice and the birth of Heru; the Easter Bunny, and St Patrick, replaces the Vernal Equinox; and the presence of Bes the Twa man all over the world; Jack-O-Lanterns, Halloween and the tooth Fairy, take the place of our harvest celebrations, Ancestral remembrances, and the Autumnal Equinox; so that our youth grow up to then embrace more false platitudes of allegiance, to US patriotism, Maritime Law and justice, Caucasian Superman/Savior,- that are bias, bigoted, racist, and sexist.

Armageddon T-Rump and the Mass Murderers of Indigo Peoples

Our youth are corralled into a slaughterhouse for their own annihilation. As long as we choose to follow the false alien values and belief systems of these religions, we shall always hear about the Trayvons and Emmett Tills- lynchings from 3rd Grade defective educational systems- to the prison and military-industrial complex, while our youth are invited to shoot a ball through a basket. This reminds me of the Afrikan/Aztec/Mayan sacrifices Sending their Army of soul-diers into the future- in the latter days of decline in the civilization, with death sacrifice on a daily bases, as their children kicked the skulls of the sacrificed around as pastime footballs!

Our youth and Men are the bloody mortar cement for their building stones and the grinding grease for their machinery, 
perpetually targeted by the color of their skin and texture of their hair... 

Our Children need to feel respected and valued in their own life with their own cultural centered, values and beliefs. We often try to acculturate our Pre-Teens into this isfit, chaos, alien pseudo value system because we don't recognize or know ourselves, or we have rejected our own ways through brainwashing and ignorance. Our story is still not written or recognized in the textbooks of their institutions. This system has no respect or relationship to our own cultural values. You can set a youth into an unhealthy spiral of power and control conflicts, to crush their spirit and self-esteem, or have them grow to hate all authority figures... Sometimes we "Willie Lynch" our own children "for massa" and instill dysfunctional ideas that destroy their adult lives and relationships...

It was our KRST Consciousness that enabled us to live naturally and in spiritual communion with nature, But we were deceived by those who pretended to come in peace, and they replaced our KRST Consciousness with Roman Catholic patriarchy and protestant Christianity, that replaces our higher consciousness with the idolatry of a Caucasian man. As a result, we have been powerless ever since. We were tricked into attaching ourselves to their counterfeit belief systems, denominations, and cult-religions that only "sounds' like that which empowers us.

Our youth are the walking wounded corralled into a war zone for genocide. Our youth are suffering from PTSD and an overload of misinformation. Many of the adults around them who are socialized into the psychopathy of a toxic enemy mind, do not offer any solutions. They are hollow, unconscious, stripped of their own culture, and self-knowledge. All that our adults have to offer are platitudes, prayer vigils, and 3-on-3 basketball games.

KRSTs or the youth coming into the consciousness of their Natural ancient original ways of life. They have chosen to move towards nature, balance, cooperative, harmonious spiritual ways. They are our Indigo Golden Herus, finding and rebuilding the 14 pieces of Ausar.

The difference between a KRST and a "Christ" is -KRST consciousness, that opened the way in our cultural understanding of the cosmos, to create a culture that enabled us to live in harmony with creation in a natural balance and in spiritual communion with the natural world. We were deceived by those who invaded our residences, pretending to come in peace, then they replaced our KRST consciousness with the man-made Christian religion, and as a result, we have been powerless and impotent ever since. We were even taught to despise and reject our own beliefs and value systems, that were plagiarized and written right in their holy books, as false teachers, deceivers witchcraft, hoodoo, and trivial. We were tricked and bamboozled into attaching ourselves to their counterfeit religions, thinking that their way is more empowering than our own. In the U.S. there was a generational degrade of our people over time, where we were stripped of our land, resources, culture- language, philosophy, connection with our spiritual understanding. When you wipe the mind of any connection or relationship- It is easy to then incept and replace ideas. Words have power. Lies have cataclysmic, damaging effects. The moment that we begin to accept lies and false inceptions, our body and mind begin to change. We are under attack by autoimmune diseases. Our immune system does not bother to distinguish between fact or fantasy. Our consciousness no longer questions the truth or lies. It only reacts to what it is given.  That is why they attack our naive children and get the parents to go along with- an Easter bunny laying colored eggs, Halloween Trick-a-Trunks, and a fat white-bearded man magically appearing in our homes to replace our parental authority, economics, and leadership. We are actually dysfunctionally co-depending on a foreign alien personification, rather than our own collective consciousness and Ancestors. It seems familiar because their system was co-opted from our own! Yet, there is something skewed and inert about their structure. Maybe it is because of their calcified pineal gland. Like a father born with no eyes trying to explain to his sighted child, everything he knows about vision. Some children love their Father so much that they will take out their own eyes to be like their father rather than to see the real world! This reminds me of the Eagle and the pigeon story or the Ugly Duckling story- How a Beautiful Black swan, crippled herself to be like a duck, until she found her own flock. Black people have taken swine entrails that were given to us to enslave and degrade our consciousness, and attempted to make them into a palatable gourmet delicacy- Yet in reality, we are actually feeding our children and inviting into our sacred temple, the lowest foulest piece of animal carcass- swine intestine entrails- instead of growing our own foods and feeding our temples and mind the abundance and variety of nutritious and healthy foods... Yet most are not even eating food- they are only drinking milk/pus.

"Only cowardly, blinded, ignorant men (and mothers) see their children under attack and join the attackers. Our children are suffering, and acting and lashing out. All we do is suppress them even more. We have not succeeded in constructing the institutions and organizations to heal them and direct their Righteous Anger, so they spiral down and fall into the traps that our enemies set for them. Then we stand over the pit and shame them for falling. This is Disgraceful."

"Our youth don't owe us shit, we owe them an apology, and a promise that we will retake the world for them.-" Diallo Kenyatta-

It is often unpleasant to be moved out of one's comfort zone. To realize that they are believing a lie, and to see the error of one's ways, can sometimes be very traumatic. Then, to also recognize that their parents, friends, and family have virtually lied to them in their innocence and ignorance. This is called Cognitive Dissonance. Yet, as our Black men and women will fight to their death, thinking they are martyrs for their slave master's belief system, to continue to lead our youth into this fraudulent circle jerk of an alien patriarchy. We thereby enable and empower our adversaries in the mind, body/temple and soul of each generation. We must move from drinking the milk/pus of our oppressors- to eating the meat of our own Black African Ancestors and way of life.

I have coined the phrase "MAAFA SYNDROME because this syndrome was embedded into the Afrikan Diaspora long before this western Stockholm
psychological description... 

Our Indigo crystal Youth ARE KRSTs! KRST stands for 
*Ka- Immortal Eternal Soul- Life Force 
*Ra- Sun Creation, enlightened 
*Sa- Protector, Bes 
*Ta- Land, Sanctuary, Kingdom.

The KRST HERUs are returning in our youth in our lifetime! Respect the real Trinity of Auset-Heru and Ausar!

Y/Our job as awakened conscious Men- Fathers, Brothers, Uncles, (and Mothers, Sisters, Auntie) and Teachers, is to unite, awaken and teach our youth how to recognize and resist this anti-KRST, then to Re-Member and show them by example, how to be and live as true KRST/Heru- who vanquished the assault of his father Ausar -by destroying Set and reuniting the 14 pieces of Ausar!...

Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...

(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring.
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and Environment. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704 Contact: or Phone: 816-281-7704

The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Here in Kansas City, We have established the Amen Par Ankh as an oasis to the Post Traumatic Stress Disorders and Detoxification from the battlefield on isfit hostile environment centered around our youth. Please Contact Priestess Nuta Beqsu for more Information. We are building our youth to economic entrepreneurial literacy

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach and Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member, as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , or, and Call: 816-281-7704 to sign-up for courses and support: 

Please support our local STEAM Education and Vocation initiative


For More information:

Look for us on Twitter & LinkedIn. We Celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity, and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House & Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Headwrapping, Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. We offer Classes in ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses. We make Gifts and Accessories. We Celebrate and show our respect of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We Celebrate Life! We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life through Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, & Classes.

Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm-raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot” Sba Sasteh Meter. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for all Original Peoples. Feel free or Contact the Amen Ankh Urban Farm... or call: 816-281-7704 Please like our facebook pages: , ,

Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.